Pediculosis (head lice) are tiny, wingless insects that live close to the scalp. They feed only on human blood. Head lice can lay eggs, called nits that hatch and cause itching and discomfort, but do not spread disease. Our policy for head lice will continue to follow the guidelines that have been set by the Rhode Island Department of Health, CDC, The American Academy of Pediatrics, our schools district physician and The National School Nurses Association.

  • Students who appear symptomatic or have complaints (itchy head) may be sent to the nurse for evaluation. If lice/nits are found, the parent/guardian will be notified and instructed to contact the student’s healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Children should continue to be checked at home when demonstrating symptoms of head lice.

  • Routine classroom head checks or whole-school screenings will not be performed.

  • Student privacy regulations will be strictly adhered to. (FERPA)

  • Head lice is not a life threatening medical emergency; therefore, faculty and staff members will not routinely be notified. Parent notification letters will not be sent home.

  • Studies have shown that a child with head lice has likely had active lice or nits for one month or more by the time it is discovered and poses little risk to others. Students will not be required to be sent home early and can return to the classroom.

ADOPTED: December 16, 2019