Student Welfare

School personnel assigned supervision are expected to act as reasonably prudent adults in providing for the safety of the students in their charge. In keeping with this expected prudence, no teacher or other staff member will leave his/her assigned group unsupervised except when an arrangement has been made to take care of an emergency. During school hours or while engaging in school-sponsored activities, students will be released only into the custody of parents or other persons authorized in writing by a parent or guardian.

Reporting: In accordance with policy JLF, all employees shall report any suspected child abuse or neglect as required by law (RIGL §40-11-3) to the Department of Children, Youth and Families within 24 hours of becoming aware of such abuse/neglect and to report incidents of dating violence and/or sexual assault in accordance with policy JICK-B.

Instruction: Instruction in courses in science, art, physical education, health, and safety will include and emphasize accident prevention. Safety instruction will precede the use of materials and equipment by students in applicable units of work, and instructors will teach and enforce all safety rules set up for the particular courses. These include the wearing of protective eye devices or any other personal protective equipment in appropriate activities.

Safety on the Playground and Playing Fields: The Smithfield Public Schools shall provide safe play areas and shall ensure safety through the following means:

  • A periodic inspection, leading to certification, of the school’s playground and school’s playing fields by the district’s insurance provider, and others, as may be deemed appropriate;

  • Instruction of students in the proper use of equipment; and

  • Supervision of play area use during school hours.

Fire Drills and Lock Down Procedures: In accordance with RIGL §16-21-4, the Smithfield Public Schools shall cooperate with the fire and police department to conduct fire, evacuation, and school lockdown drills.

ADOPTED: June 1, 2020