The Principal, in conjunction with the School Improvement Team, shall prepare a written school improvement plan annually. This plan shall conform to Rhode Island Department of Education and District specifications to ensure compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. School improvement plans shall be submitted to the Superintendent for review no later than May 31. The Superintendent shall review and approve the plan after consultation with the School Committee.

The plan should have the following characteristics:

1. Data-Informed - The educational goals for the school shall be devised after a careful analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the school as determined by available data.

2. Aligned to District Strategic Plan - School goals shall be consistent with the goals and objectives of the district’s strategic plan.

3. Fiscally Responsible - The plan shall identify available resources necessary to accomplish goals and objectives.

4. Accountable - The plan shall identify the person(s) responsible for ensuring that the individual action step is completed and list specific evidence that can verify fulfillment.

5. Comprehensive - The plan shall focus on school needs, as appropriate for the individual school, including facility needs, instructional improvement, social-emotional learning, and parent and community engagement. Each School Improvement Plan in a school with English Language Learners shall include an Action Plan that identifies measurable goals for ELL instruction and support services, and for the relevant ELL professional development to be provided the SIT members, as well as to all teachers in the school who teach English Language Learners.

The School Improvement Team shall have no authority over matters that are subject to collective bargaining and may not expand the scope of its authority beyond that established by School Committee policy.

ADOPTED: October 1, 2018

REVISED: March 16, 2020