Communicable Diseases

In accordance with RI General Laws 16-38-2 and 23-1-18, as well as Smithfield Public Schools immunization policy JLCB, the Smithfield Public School will require immunizations for those communicable diseases that are preventable through vaccination. An accurate and current listing of unvaccinated students shall be maintained by the school.

The presence of a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak is determined in consultation with the Rhode Island Department of Health. If an outbreak of vaccine-preventable disease should occur, an exempt student shall be excluded from school by the administrator or designee for a period of time as determined by the Department based on a case-by-case analysis of public health risk. The school nurse shall be responsible for notifying the local health department of all students having a reported communicable disease as required by RI Department of Health.

When a student returns to school after having been excluded as described above due to a reportable communicable disease, a certificate from the attending physician is required. The building principal and/or the school nurse must review the attending physician’s certificate and give permission before the student is readmitted to class.

Appropriate information may be provided to school employees or the public if there is a vaccine preventable disease. School administrators may determine that it is necessary to disclose personally identifiable information (PII) to appropriate parties (e.g. state health officials) in order to address a health or safety emergency. PII of a student who may have a communicable disease will not be disclosed to the public.

Teachers shall be alert to signs of illness and communicable disease and refer students who show such symptoms to the school nurse. Employees are also required to complete bloodborne pathogen training annually and follow infection control practices where all body fluids are treated as if they are contaminated. Equipment and supplies needed to apply universal precautions will be provided,

If a situation occurs at school in which a student might have been exposed to an infectious agent, the school principal or designee shall inform the parents/guardians to seek medical advice.

ADOPTED: June 1, 2020