Cell Phone Policy

The Smithfield Public Schools proposed cell phone policy is designed to ensure that cell phones do not disrupt the instructional environment. While the district Acceptable Use Policy for Students references cell phone use, this new policy is purposely narrow to address the disruptive nature of cell phones in schools and is focused at the secondary level. Cell phones are not permitted at the elementary level.

Smithfield High School

Cell phone use is limited to lunch time in the cafeteria, library/media center, and front lobby. As the Smithfield Public Schools provides computers to each student, cell phones are not permitted in any classroom unless there is explicit need for instructional purposes. If a teacher is requiring cell phones for a specific class activity, this activity must be approved by the administration at least 24 hours in advance.

Classroom Procedures

●   Each classroom will be equipped with a “caddy” or “bin” to collect student cell phones at the beginning of the period. Students collect their cell phones as they are exiting the classroom at the end of the period.

●   Phones are not returned during restroom breaks occurring during the period.

●   Airpods and headphones may only be utilized with a student’s chromebook as part of a class lesson.  At all other times, these must be stored along with their cell phones.


Consequences for Unauthorized Use of a Cell Phone or Listening Device (personal):

First Offense: The student will be reminded to put the phone away. At the teacher’s discretion, the device may also be confiscated and returned at the end of the class period. Parents/guardians will be notified.

Second Offense: The device will be confiscated and turned over to school administration/office staff for the remainder of the day.  The device will be returned at dismissal time.  Parents/guardians will be notified.  The student will be required to serve detention.

Third Offense: The device will be confiscated and turned over to school administration/office staff for the remainder of the day. The student will be required to turn in their phone to the administration/office each morning for one week. The device will be returned at dismissal time. Parents/guardians will be notified. The student will be required to serve detention.

Fourth Offense: The device will be confiscated and turned over to school administration/office staff for the remainder of the day. The student will be required to turn in their phone to the administration/office each morning for two weeks. The device will be returned at dismissal time. Parents/guardians will be required to meet with a school administrator. The student will be required to serve detention.

●   Fifth Offense and Beyond: The device will be confiscated and turned over to school administration/office staff for the remainder of the day.  The student will be required to turn in their phone to the administration/office each morning for at least a month until a meeting with parents is arranged.  The device will be returned at dismissal time. Parents/guardians will be notified.  The student will be required to serve detention.

 Emergency Use of Phones:

●   In the event a student needs to reach their parent/guardian during the school day, the student shall report to the Main Office and ask to use the school phone. 

●   In an urgent situation where a parent or guardian must reach a student, the family member must contact the Main Office

Parental Involvement:


Gallagher Middle School:

At the middle school, students may not use their cell phones during school hours; we require them to be “off and away, for the school day”.  Students must place their cell phones in their backpacks upon entering school.  Students have the option to store their cell phones in their assigned locker.  Students who have physical education class are asked to place their bag and/or cell phone in their gym locker for safe keeping.

 Airpods and headphones may only be utilized with a student’s chromebook as part of a class lesson.  At all other times, these must be stored in the student’s backpack.

 Consequences for Unauthorized Use:

●   First Offense: The student will be reminded to put the phone away.

●   Third Offense: The device will be confiscated and turned over to school administration/office staff for the remainder of the day. The student will be required to turn in their phone to the administration/office each morning for one week. The device will be returned at dismissal time. Parents/guardians will be notified.

●   Fourth Offense: The device will be confiscated and turned over to school administration/office staff for the remainder of the day. The student will be required to turn in their phone to the administration/office each morning for two weeks. The device will be returned at dismissal time. Parents/guardians will be required to meet with a school administrator.

●   Fifth and Subsequent Offenses: The device will be confiscated and turned over to school administration/office staff for the remainder of the day.  The student will be required to turn in their phone to the administration/office each morning for at least a month. The device will be returned at dismissal time. Parents/guardians will be notified.

Parental Involvement:

●   We ask that parents remind their children of our cell phone expectations.

●   It is crucial that parents/guardians do not call or text their child during school hours.  If you need to get a message to your child, please contact the school office and we will give the message to your child. 

●   If your child is ill and needs to go home, the school nurse will call you.


●   In the event a student needs to reach their parent/guardian during the school day, the student shall report to the office and ask to use the school phone.  Permission may also be given to the student to use his/her/their cell phone to reach you (this often happens when an after school activity is being canceled).

ADOPTED:  August 19, 2024