In January 2018, The Smithfield School Department hosted a Future Search at which nearly 100 people – business leaders, municipal and school officials, students, parents, school employees, and those from the nonprofit and social services sector – gathered together to create a common vision for the district’s future. Smithfield’s Future Search focused on the question, What do we want our students to experience in Smithfield Public Schools to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of a changing world? The data collected through the Future Search process was then incorporated into a promise to our community and a strategic plan to guide our district forward to achieve that promise.
The following statements summarize the vision elements shared by the Future Search participants that were later used as a basis for strategic planning goals and a district promise.
In our desired future…
Remodeled Smithfield schools and grounds are safe, secure, energy-efficient, and universally designed and provide flexible, inspiring learning spaces.
A district maintenance plan ensures that sufficient resources to protect investments.
Students use leading-edge technologies to communicate learning to various audiences.
Students use technology productively and exhibit good digital citizenship.
Technology is used by teachers, as a tool rather than a replacement, in inspiring lessons that prepare students for their future.
A district technology plan and sufficient resources ensure adequate infrastructure, updated technology, and professional development.
Curriculum and classroom practices provide for the development of social skills, etiquette, empathy, substance use prevention, and mental health awareness.
Effective disciplinary policies and practices deter relationship-damaging misconduct from happening and resolve issues constructively if they do happen.
Through partnerships, students access mental health services from various providers.
Students demonstrate their learning through a variety of means.
Teachers design assessments that provide feedback based on rubrics and standards for the purpose of deeper learning.
Schools employ grading practices that reduce the focus on ranking and increase the focus on gauging student growth toward mastery.
Students are exposed to a variety of career options - both requiring and not requiring college - and build their career readiness skills to meet individual goals.
Community partnerships provide mentorships, internships, and real-world experiences.
Graduates of Smithfield are prepared for life, continuing education, and career.
Students develop communication and interpersonal skills alongside academic knowledge.
Students pursue individual interests, develop healthy lifestyles, value civic responsibilities, develop language skills and cultural awareness, and gain exposure to the arts.
Engaged family and community members form partnerships with schools to ensure adequate support for students and additional resources for school programs.
The good work of our teachers and students is shared with the wider community, improving the confidence in and pride for our schools.
Teachers collaborate to develop curriculum, share instructional practices, analyze assessments, and continually developed to meet the diverse needs of students.
Smithfield schools efficiently apply sufficient funds for facilities, equipment, supplies, and personnel necessary for excellent schools.
PROMISE: Every child will be prepared for continued learning, career, and life.
Instructional Programming and Practices: Ensure dynamic curriculum and student-centered learning, update assessment and grading practices, provide for a diversity of programs to meet the needs of all students.
Career Education: Expose students to career options and provide them with the skills for success in the workplace, in life, and in education after high school.
Technology: Continue to upgrade infrastructure and wireless capabilities, leverage social media for promoting district success, provide professional development for effective and acceptable use of technology.
Facilities: Prioritize facility needs, ensure ADA compliance and safety, support all teaching styles, provide for future functionality.
Social-Emotional: Attend to the mental health and social-emotional needs of students.
Finance: Encourage community investment in education, engage creative solutions to district needs, seek grant funding.
Parent and Community Engagement: Develop business and community partnerships, help families to engage in support of their child’s education, utilize effective communication strategies for communicating with the public, and promote an appreciation for diverse perspectives and cultures.
ADOPTED: Prior to 2017
REVISED: February 1, 2021