At all regular meetings of the Committee, the order of business shall be as follows:

  1. Executive Session (if needed)
  2. Convene in Open Session
  3. Welcome/Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Consent Agenda (if any)
  5. Recognition (if needed)
  6. Student Representative Issues
  7. School Committee Business (Agenda Items)*
  8. Communications
  9. Superinteendent's Report
  10. Open Forum (if needed)
  11. Committee Comments
  12. Executive Session (if needed)
  13. Reconvene in Open Session)
  14. Report of votes in closed (if needed)
  15. Adjournment


If a Member wishes to speak on a topic, it must be listed on the agenda as a School Committee Business item.

The putlic may sign up to speak during open forum prior to the public meeting. Each member of the public will be allowed a total of five minutes to speak. Speakers shall utilize the provided podium and microphone to speak during the open forum.

Public comments on agenda items shall be limited to opinion or concerns directly related to public agenda items. Speakers shall utilize the provided podium and microphone to speak during public comment. Speakers are expected to be civil, reasonable, and respectful with their comments. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. School Committee Members may not comment on issues brought forward by the public that are not listed as agenda items.


The agenda for each meeting will be created by the Superintendent of Schools in consultation of the Chairperson.

Members of the Committee may request that items be placed on a future Agenda through the Chairperson.

Any citizen, parent, student or staff may request that an agenda item be added to a future agenda by contacting a School Committee member and requesting the addition. The School Committee Member may, in his or her discretion, request the citizen's issue be placed on the agenda as a business item.

ADOPTED: 12/19/2011