Evaluation of the Superintendent

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the annual evaluation of the Superintendent by the School Committee. The evaluation will define expectations, enhance communication, prioritize goals and ensure a focus on student achievement and school improvement.

Evaluation of the district Superintendent is a critical responsibility of the School Committee and is important to the continuous improvement of the district. The School Committee will continuously monitor the Superintendent in a number of key areas; including his/her ability to achieve annually determined desired outcomes for student achievement in accordance with the established vision, mission, strategic goals of the district, and Rhode Island General Laws. The School Committee will develop and determine the evaluation to be used in collaboration with the Superintendent in accordance with the objective set herein and will work with the Superintendent to ensure that all key performance indicators are relevant and measurable. In the event of disagreement, the School Committee and Superintendent will collaborate on revising the evaluation tool to ensure relevancy.

Evaluation Program

1. The evaluation will consist of the completion of a written evaluation tool and discussion of this tool relative to performance with the Superintendent in executive session. Discussion and establishment of goals will be discussed in open session.

2. The intent of the evaluation is to:

  1. Enhance the committee’s ability to identify priorities and to hold the Superintendent accountable by monitoring progress toward achieving established goals and addressing issues.

  2. Determine the “effectiveness” of the Superintendent in achieving the objectives of the district and his/her job description.

  3. Promote the professional development and growth of the Superintendent.

  4. Promote communication and strengthen the working relationships between the committee and Superintendent.

  5. Clarify roles and responsibilities; provide counsel and direction.

  6. Give encouragement and formal commendation for work well done, reinforce good efforts and improve the Superintendent’s job satisfaction.

  7. Provide a regular, scheduled, anticipated mechanism for resolving conflict within systems that operate the school and community.

  8. Enhance communication with community and staff.

  9. Establish reasonable standards and realistic expectations for deciding whether to renew or extend the Superintendent’s contract.

3. The evaluation criteria is based on the mission and goals of the district and agreed upon by the committee and Superintendent prior to the evaluation.

4. The evaluation will provide commendations in key leadership areas, provide recommendations for improving effectiveness and serve as a basis for making decisions about salary increases and contract extensions.

5. A formal timeline has been established to ensure continuity and a fair and equitable process.

6. The Superintendent will complete the same evaluation tool as the School Committee as a form of self-assessment in the evaluation process.

7. The focus of the evaluation process will be constructive with a continued emphasis on the Smithfield School Committee expectations for consistent improvement and growth within our schools measured by specific indicators, including continual improvements for performance and motivation of ancillary administrators and professional staff.

8. Prior to the evaluation, the Superintendent shall be responsible for preparing and distributing to the Committee for its review a report of progress towards district goals, the Superintendent’s self appraisal of accomplishments and performance and a review of action taken to address any committee recommendations from the previous evaluation.


August 15th

Superintendent’s deadline to submit professional goals for the upcoming school year to the School Committee.

September 15th

School Committee will review and reach consensus on annual professional goals

January 15th

Superintendent’s mid-year progress report on professional goals is due to the School Committee. Preliminary performance evaluation forms are distributed to School Committee members. The Superintendent will also receive a copy to complete his/her mid-year self-reflections and will share this self-evaluation within 2 weeks with members of the School Committee

February 15th

School Committee members meet to discuss their individual evaluations. Together, the entire committee will complete a single summary document; which reflects the consensus of the committee on each item. This mid-year evaluation report is then shared with the Superintendent in closed session. The Superintendent will have the opportunity to ask questions, respond verbally or in writing to the evaluation, and represent additional evidence of his/her performance or district progress. This mid-year evaluation report is then used to inform budget recommendations for salary increases for the upcoming fiscal year.

May 1st

Superintendent’s end-of-year progress report on professional goals is due to the School Committee. Performance evaluation forms are distributed to School Committee members. The Superintendent will also receive a copy to complete his/her end-of-year self-reflections and will share this self-evaluation within 2 weeks with members of the School Committee

May 30th

The School Committee meets with Superintendent in closed session to review performance and finalize the evaluation. Goal setting and progress towards goals will be discussed in open session. The Superintendent will have the opportunity to ask questions, respond verbally or in writing to the evaluation, and represent additional evidence of his/her performance or district progress.

The evaluation is signed by the Superintendent and School Committee Chair. A signed copy of the evaluation is filed in the Superintendent’s personnel file and a copy will be given to the Superintendent. After each evaluation has been completed, the committee shall meet in open session to give the community and superintendent an opportunity to jointly identify performance goals for the next year.

June 30th

The School Committee confirms or adjusts a salary increase and contract extension (if applicable) for the following year.

ADOPTED: January 21, 2020